Traditional Canjica Recipe

If you’re looking to add some Brazilian flair to your culinary adventures, look no further than the traditional Canjica recipe. This indulgent dessert is a beloved staple in Brazilian cuisine, with its rich and creamy texture and delightful blend of flavors. Made with ingredients such as sweet corn, condensed milk, and cinnamon, Canjica is a dish that will transport your taste buds straight to the vibrant streets of Brazil. Get ready to savor the warmth and comfort of this delicious treat that has stood the test of time.

Overview of Canjica

Introduction to Canjica

Canjica is a traditional Brazilian dessert made with corn kernels, coconut milk, and various sweet spices. This hearty and comforting dish is enjoyed throughout the country, especially during the winter months and during festivals such as Festa Junina. Canjica is known for its creamy texture and rich flavors, making it a favorite among locals and visitors alike.

Origin and Cultural Significance

Canjica has deep roots in Brazilian culture, with its origins tracing back to the indigenous communities of the country. The dish was traditionally made during corn harvest season as a way to celebrate abundance and fertility. Over the years, it has become an integral part of Brazilian cuisine, often associated with religious festivities and family gatherings.

Different Variations of Canjica

While the traditional Canjica recipe remains popular, there are several variations of this delectable dessert. Some versions include the addition of meats such as bacon or sausage, making it a savory dish. Others incorporate fruits like bananas or mangoes, adding a refreshing twist. There are even versions of Canjica that include chocolate or caramel, appealing to those with a sweet tooth.

Health Benefits of Canjica

Canjica offers more than just indulgence, as it also provides several health benefits. The primary ingredient of Canjica, corn, is a good source of dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and promotes heart health. Additionally, coconut milk contains healthy fats and vitamins, providing an energy boost and nourishing the body. Enjoying Canjica in moderation can be a delightful and nutritious treat.

Traditional Canjica Recipe


To prepare Canjica the traditional way, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 cups dried white or yellow corn kernels
  • 4 cups water
  • 2 cups coconut milk
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • Optional toppings: cinnamon powder, grated coconut, or sliced almonds


Before cooking the Canjica, it is important to prepare the corn kernels and coconut milk.

  1. Soak the dried corn kernels in water overnight or for at least 6 hours.
  2. Drain the soaked corn kernels and rinse them thoroughly.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine the coconut milk and sugar, and stir until the sugar is dissolved.
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Cooking Instructions

Now, it’s time to cook the Canjica to perfection:

  1. In a large pot, bring the water to a boil.
  2. Add the soaked corn kernels, cinnamon stick, and pinch of salt to the boiling water.
  3. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for about 1 hour or until the corn kernels are tender.
  4. Once the corn kernels are cooked, add the coconut milk mixture to the pot.
  5. Simmer for an additional 30 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking.
  6. Adjust the consistency of the Canjica by adding more water or coconut milk, if desired.
  7. Sweeten the Canjica to taste by adding more sugar, if needed.

Serving Suggestions

To serve Canjica, you can get creative with garnishes and accompaniments:

  • Sprinkle cinnamon powder on top for added flavor.
  • Garnish with grated coconut or sliced almonds for a delightful crunch.
  • Serve warm or chilled, depending on your preference.
  • Canjica pairs well with a cup of Brazilian coffee or a glass of chilled coconut water.

Storage and Reheating

If you have any leftovers, store the Canjica in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. To reheat, simply place it in a saucepan over low heat, stirring occasionally until warmed through. Add a splash of water or coconut milk if needed to maintain the desired consistency.

Ingredients for Canjica

Main Ingredients

The main ingredients for Canjica are dried corn kernels, coconut milk, and sugar. These essential components give Canjica its distinct flavor and creamy texture.

Optional Ingredients

While the traditional Canjica recipe is delicious on its own, you can enhance the flavors by incorporating optional ingredients. Some popular choices include cinnamon sticks, condensed milk, grated coconut, cinnamon powder, sliced almonds, and fresh fruit such as bananas or mangoes. These additions bring unique twists and visual appeal to the dish, making it even more enticing.

Preparation of Canjica

Soaking the Corn Kernels

The first step in preparing Canjica is to soak the dried corn kernels. This process softens the kernels and reduces the cooking time. To soak the corn kernels, rinse them thoroughly and place them in a bowl filled with water. Allow the corn kernels to soak overnight or for at least 6 hours. This step ensures that the corn kernels become tender and plump when cooked.

Preparing the Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is a key ingredient in Canjica, providing creaminess and a subtle tropical flavor. To prepare coconut milk, combine shredded or grated coconut with warm water in a blender or food processor. Blend the mixture until the coconut is finely ground, and then strain it through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth to separate the milk from the pulp. The resulting liquid is homemade coconut milk, ready to be used in the Canjica recipe.

Cooking the Corn Kernels

After soaking the corn kernels and preparing the coconut milk, it’s time to cook the corn kernels until they reach the desired tenderness. In a large pot, bring water to a boil, and then add the soaked corn kernels, along with any preferred condiments or spices such as cinnamon sticks or a pinch of salt. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for approximately 1 hour or until the corn kernels are soft and easily pierced with a fork. This step ensures that the corn kernels are cooked through and will blend seamlessly with the other ingredients.

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Cooking Instructions

Step 1: Boiling the Corn Kernels

To start cooking the Canjica, bring a large pot of water to a boil. Drain the soaked corn kernels and add them to the boiling water. The boiling process softens the corn kernels and prepares them for the subsequent steps.

Step 2: Adding Condiments and Spices

Once the corn kernels are in the boiling water, it’s time to add the chosen condiments and spices to enhance the flavor profile. Common additions include a cinnamon stick for warmth and sweetness, as well as a pinch of salt to balance the flavors. Stir the mixture well to ensure the spices are evenly distributed.

Step 3: Simmering the Mixture

After adding the condiments and spices, reduce the heat to low and allow the Canjica mixture to simmer gently. This slow cooking method ensures that the flavors meld together and that the corn kernels continue to soften. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking and to ensure even cooking.

Step 4: Adjusting the Consistency

As the Canjica simmers, you can monitor the consistency and make adjustments according to your preference. If you prefer a thicker consistency, allow the mixture to simmer for a longer time, which allows some of the liquid to evaporate. Conversely, if you prefer a thinner consistency, you can add water or coconut milk in small increments until reaching your desired texture.

Step 5: Sweetening the Canjica

The final step in cooking Canjica is to sweeten to taste. Add sugar to the mixture, starting with a smaller amount and gradually increasing until achieving the desired level of sweetness. Stir well to ensure the sugar is fully dissolved. Remember that Canjica should have a delicate sweetness, so it’s important not to overpower the flavors with excessive sugar.

Serving Suggestions

Garnishing Options

When serving Canjica, you can add visually appealing garnishes to enhance the presentation and taste of the dish. Sprinkle a dusting of cinnamon powder on top of the Canjica for an extra burst of flavor. Alternatively, you can garnish with grated coconut for added texture and visual appeal. For nutty undertones, consider sprinkling sliced almonds over the Canjica. These garnishing options not only add a delightful touch but also enhance the overall enjoyment of the dessert.


Canjica is delicious on its own, but it can also be enjoyed with complementary accompaniments. Pair it with a cup of Brazilian coffee to balance the sweetness and provide a rich and aromatic contrast. If you prefer a lighter option, serve Canjica with a glass of chilled coconut water, which adds a refreshing twist to the flavor profile. These accompaniments create a harmonious combination and elevate the Canjica experience.

Variations of Canjica

Savory Canjica with Meat

While the traditional Canjica recipe is sweet and comforting, there is also a savory variation that includes meat. This version incorporates ingredients such as bacon or sausage, adding a salty and smoky flavor to the dish. It provides a unique twist to Canjica, marrying the creaminess of the corn and coconut milk with the savory goodness of the meat. Savory Canjica is often enjoyed as a main course or as part of a festive meal.

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Canjica with Fruits or Nuts

For those who enjoy fruity flavors, Canjica can also be prepared with the addition of fresh or dried fruits. Slices of ripe bananas or juicy mangoes can be added during the simmering process, infusing the Canjica with their aromatic sweetness. Alternatively, dried fruits such as raisins or chopped dried apricots can be stirred into the mixture for a delightful burst of texture and natural sweetness. Adding nuts like chopped peanuts or pecans can also provide a delightful crunch and a nutty undertone to the dish.

Canjica with Chocolate or Caramel

If you have a sweet tooth and enjoy indulgent treats, variations of Canjica with chocolate or caramel are sure to satisfy your cravings. By melting chocolate or caramel into the simmering Canjica mixture, you can create a luscious and decadent twist on this traditional dessert. The rich flavors of chocolate or caramel add depth and sweetness to the dish, making it an irresistible treat for any occasion.

Tips and Tricks

Choosing the Right Corn Varieties

When making Canjica, it’s essential to choose the right corn varieties. Look for dried white or yellow corn kernels, as they work best for this recipe. The kernels should be whole and plump, indicating their freshness. Avoid using popcorn or other corn varieties not specifically meant for cooking Canjica, as they may have a different texture or flavor.

Enhancing the Flavor

To enhance the flavor of Canjica, consider toasting the corn kernels before cooking them. This step brings out the natural sweetness and nuttiness of the corn, resulting in an even more delightful taste. Simply heat a dry skillet over medium heat and add the corn kernels. Stirring frequently, continue to cook the corn kernels until they become fragrant and slightly golden. Once toasted, proceed with the soaking and cooking process as usual.

Adding Creaminess

To achieve a creamier texture, you can add a can of condensed milk to the Canjica mixture during the final simmering stage. The condensed milk infuses the dish with a rich and velvety consistency, making each spoonful a delight. Remember to adjust the sweetness accordingly, as condensed milk adds natural sweetness to the Canjica.

Adjusting Sweetness

Canjica can be enjoyed with varying levels of sweetness, depending on personal preference. If you prefer a less sweet dessert, reduce the amount of sugar initially added. For those with a strong sweet tooth, feel free to increase the sugar quantity until reaching the desired sweetness. Taste the Canjica mixture as you go and adjust the sweetness as needed. Remember, it’s always easier to add more sugar than to reduce it once it has been added.

Creating Texture

Canjica is known for its creamy texture, but adding different ingredients can create exciting variations in texture. For those who enjoy a more textured dessert, consider adding chopped nuts such as peanuts or pecans to the Canjica. These nuts provide a delightful crunch, giving a contrast to the creamy base. Alternatively, you can add raisins or chopped dried apricots for bursts of chewiness and added texture.


Summary of Canjica

Canjica is a beloved Brazilian dessert that brings together the flavors of corn, coconut milk, and spices in a delightfully creamy and aromatic dish. With its cultural significance and wide range of variations, Canjica holds a special place in Brazilian cuisine. Whether enjoyed as a warm comfort food or as a refreshing chilled dessert, Canjica never fails to bring joy and satisfaction to those who indulge in its delectable flavors.

Appreciating the Authentic Brazilian Dish

As you explore the world of Brazilian cuisine, be sure to experience the unique and comforting flavors of Canjica. Whether you opt for the traditional version or experiment with different variations, this delightful dessert will undoubtedly captivate your taste buds and leave you craving more. So gather the necessary ingredients, follow the simple steps, and immerse yourself in the authentic taste of Canjica – a true culinary treasure from Brazil.