Traditional Brazilian Brigadeiro Recipe

Imagine yourself transported to the vibrant streets of Brazil, where the air is thick with tantalizing aromas and the sizzle of street food fills your ears. Amidst all the delectable dishes on offer, there is one treat that stands out – the Brigadeiro. This traditional Brazilian delicacy, beloved by locals and visitors alike, is a mouthwatering chocolate bonbon that is impossible to resist. Bursting with rich cocoa flavor and a creamy texture, the Brigadeiro is a dessert that embodies the spirit of Brazil. In this article, we will take you on a culinary journey to explore the origins of this beloved sweet treat and provide you with a simple yet authentic Brigadeiro recipe that will transport your taste buds directly to the heart of Brazil. Get ready to indulge in a true Brazilian delight!

Traditional Brazilian Brigadeiro Recipe

Traditional Brazilian Brigadeiro Recipe

If you’re looking to satisfy your sweet tooth with a delightful and classic Brazilian treat, look no further than the brigadeiro. This beloved dessert, originating from Brazil, is a chocolatey delight that will leave you wanting more. Made from just a few simple ingredients, the brigadeiro is a must-try for any dessert lover. In this article, we’ll walk you through a traditional brigadeiro recipe, explore some variations, share tips and tricks for perfecting your brigadeiro-making skills, delve into the history of brigadeiro, and discover other enticing Brazilian desserts. So, let’s dive in and learn how to make this delectable treat!


To make traditional brigadeiros, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Condensed Milk
  • Cocoa Powder
  • Unsalted Butter
  • Chocolate Sprinkles (for coating)
  • Cooking Utensils (such as a pot, a wooden spoon, and a plate for shaping and coating the brigadeiros)

These simple ingredients can easily be found in most supermarkets, making it convenient to whip up a batch of brigadeiros whenever the craving strikes.


Now that you have gathered all the necessary ingredients, it’s time to start preparing your brigadeiros. Follow these steps for a delicious outcome:

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Step 1: Melt the Butter

In a pot over low heat, melt the unsalted butter until it becomes smooth and liquid.

Step 2: Add Condensed Milk and Cocoa Powder

Once the butter has melted, add the condensed milk and cocoa powder to the pot. Stir the mixture continuously with a wooden spoon until all the ingredients are well combined.

Step 3: Cook the Mixture

Continue cooking the mixture over low heat, stirring constantly, until it thickens and starts to pull away from the sides of the pot. The mixture should resemble a thick chocolate pudding consistency. This process usually takes around 10 to 15 minutes.

Step 4: Let the Brigadeiro Cool

Remove the pot from the heat and allow the brigadeiro mixture to cool completely. This step is crucial as it allows the mixture to firm up, making it easier to shape into balls.

Step 5: Shape and Coat the Brigadeiros

Once the brigadeiro mixture has cooled, lightly grease your hands with butter to prevent sticking. Take small portions of the mixture and roll them into small balls, approximately one inch in diameter. Then, roll the brigadeiros in chocolate sprinkles until they are fully coated. Place the finished brigadeiros on a plate or tray, ready to be enjoyed!


While the traditional brigadeiro recipe is hard to beat, there are several variations you can explore to add a unique twist to your sweet creations. Here are some popular brigadeiro variations:

White Brigadeiro

Instead of using cocoa powder, substitute it with white chocolate to create a luscious and creamy white brigadeiro. This variation is perfect for those who prefer a less chocolaty taste.

Nutella Brigadeiro

For all the Nutella lovers out there, this variation combines the rich chocolate flavor of the brigadeiro with the hazelnut goodness of Nutella. Simply add a spoonful of Nutella to the brigadeiro mixture before cooking, and voila – a heavenly treat that will leave you drooling.

Coconut Brigadeiro

If you enjoy the tropical flavors of coconut, this variation is for you. Add shredded coconut to the brigadeiro mixture along with the other ingredients. The result is a brigadeiro with a deliciously tropical twist.

Peanut Brigadeiro

For a nutty and crunchy twist, consider adding crushed peanuts to the brigadeiro mixture. This variation adds a delightful texture and depth of flavor to the classic brigadeiro.

Fruit Brigadeiro

For those who prefer a fruity twist, experiment with adding fruit puree or fruit extracts to the brigadeiro mixture. Common fruit brigadeiro flavors include strawberry, passion fruit, and lemon. These variations add a refreshing tang to the traditional brigadeiro.

Traditional Brazilian Brigadeiro Recipe

Tips and Tricks

While making brigadeiros is relatively straightforward, there are a few tips and tricks to ensure your brigadeiros turn out perfectly every time. Here are some helpful suggestions:

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Choosing the Right Condensed Milk

When selecting condensed milk for your brigadeiros, opt for a high-quality brand. The quality of the condensed milk will significantly impact the taste and texture of the final product. Look for brands with a smooth and creamy consistency.

Using High-Quality Cocoa Powder

Similarly, using high-quality cocoa powder will enhance the chocolate flavor of your brigadeiros. Look for cocoa powder that is labeled as natural or Dutch-processed for the best results.

Adding Additional Flavors

Feel free to experiment with additional flavors by incorporating extracts, essences, or liqueurs into your brigadeiro mixture. For example, a touch of vanilla extract can add a subtle depth of flavor, while a splash of coffee liqueur can create a mocha-infused brigadeiro.

Controlling Brigadeiro Consistency

The cooking time plays a crucial role in determining the consistency of your brigadeiro. If you prefer a chewier texture, cook the mixture for a shorter time. On the other hand, if you prefer a firmer and slightly harder texture, cook the mixture for a few minutes longer.

Experimenting with Toppings

While chocolate sprinkles are the traditional choice for coating brigadeiros, don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with different toppings. Crushed nuts, colored sprinkles, coconut flakes, or even finely grated chocolate can add an extra touch of visual appeal and taste to your brigadeiros.

History of Brigadeiro

The brigadeiro holds a special place in Brazilian history and culture. The treat was created in the 1940s and quickly achieved great popularity due to its ease of preparation and delicious taste. The name “brigadeiro” actually comes from the Brazilian army rank of Brigadeiro, which is equivalent to a Brigadier General. The sweet treat was named after Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes, a prominent figure in Brazilian military history who later became a presidential candidate.

Popular Occasions for Brigadeiro

The brigadeiro has become a staple dessert at various occasions in Brazil. Here are some popular occasions where you’re likely to find brigadeiros:

Birthday Parties

Brigadeiros are a frequent sight at birthday parties in Brazil, both for children and adults. The bite-sized delights are often served on dessert tables or enjoyed as a sweet treat during the celebration.


In Brazilian weddings, brigadeiros are commonly served as part of the dessert buffet or given as wedding favors. The small and elegant brigadeiros add a touch of sweetness to the joyous occasion.


During the holiday season, brigadeiros are a popular sweet treat in Brazil. Families often gather to make brigadeiros together, creating a festive atmosphere as they celebrate the joy of Christmas.

Brazilian Fiestas

Whether it’s Carnival, Festa Junina, or any other Brazilian festival, brigadeiros are always present. These celebrations are incomplete without the beloved treat, as they bring people together in a spirit of joy and merriment.

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Everyday Dessert

Of course, brigadeiros are not limited to special occasions. They are enjoyed as an everyday dessert in Brazil, whether it’s indulging in a single brigadeiro after lunch or satisfying a late-night sweet craving.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s address some common questions that may arise when it comes to brigadeiros:

What is the texture of Brigadeiro?

Brigadeiros have a smooth and creamy texture, similar to soft chocolate fudge. They are often slightly chewy, making them even more delightful to savor.

How long can Brigadeiros be stored?

If stored in an airtight container at room temperature, brigadeiros can last for up to one week. However, it’s important to note that their texture may change slightly over time.

Can Brigadeiro be frozen?

Yes, brigadeiros can be frozen for extended storage. Place them in an airtight container or freezer bag, and they can be stored for up to two months. Thaw them at room temperature and enjoy!

Is Brigadeiro gluten-free?

Traditionally, brigadeiros are gluten-free, as they do not contain any wheat-based ingredients. However, it’s essential to double-check the labels of the specific ingredients you are using to ensure there are no gluten-containing additives.

Can Brigadeiro be made dairy-free?

While the traditional brigadeiro recipe includes condensed milk and butter, it is possible to make a dairy-free version. Simply substitute the condensed milk with a dairy-free alternative such as coconut condensed milk, and replace the butter with a dairy-free margarine or coconut oil. The result may have a slightly different taste and texture, but it will still be delicious.

Other Brazilian Desserts

If you’ve fallen in love with brigadeiros and are eager to explore more Brazilian desserts, here are a few popular options to satisfy your sweet tooth:

Pão de Queijo

Pão de Queijo, also known as Brazilian cheese bread, is a delightful snack made from cassava flour and cheese. These small, cheesy bread rolls are light, fluffy, and utterly addictive.

Açaí Bowl

For a refreshing and healthy treat, try an açaí bowl. This Brazilian superfood breakfast dish features a thick and creamy smoothie made from açaí berries, topped with granola, fresh fruit, and sometimes honey or nuts.


Quindim is a traditional Brazilian dessert made primarily from egg yolks, sugar, and ground coconut. These sunny-looking, golden-hued treats are rich, sweet, and incredibly delicious.

Bolo de Rolo

Bolo de Rolo is a unique Brazilian cake made of thin layers of sweet, jelly-like guava paste rolled between layers of delicate sponge cake. The result is a visually stunning and incredibly flavorful cake.


While not a dessert in itself, the Caipirinha is Brazil’s national cocktail and the perfect way to end a meal. Made from cachaça (a Brazilian rum-like spirit), sugar, and lime, this refreshing and tangy drink is a true taste of Brazil.


The brigadeiro is a beloved Brazilian dessert that has captured the hearts of dessert enthusiasts around the world. With its rich and fudgy texture, it’s no wonder this treat has become a staple at various occasions in Brazilian culture. By following our traditional brigadeiro recipe and exploring the different variations, you can indulge in the sweet delight of brigadeiros anytime you desire. So put on your chef’s hat and get ready to embark on a journey of flavor and tradition with the brigadeiro and other enticing Brazilian desserts. Bom apetite!