Delicious Quindim Recipe: Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re craving a taste of Brazil, look no further than the mouthwatering delight of Quindim. This traditional dessert is a staple in Brazilian cuisine, known for its rich and creamy texture that is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of creating this delectable treat from scratch. From gathering the ingredients to perfecting the final presentation, you will soon be able to indulge in the irresistible flavors of Quindim. So, get ready to embark on a culinary adventure as we unlock the secrets to this delicious Brazilian recipe.


Welcome to the delicious world of Quindim! In this article, we will take you through the step-by-step process of making this delightful Brazilian dessert. Quindim is a sweet treat made with egg yolks, sugar, condensed milk, butter, shredded coconut, vanilla extract, and a pinch of salt. It is a custard-like dessert that is both rich and refreshing. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a beginner in the kitchen, quindim is an easy and enjoyable dessert to make. So let’s dive in and explore the wonderful flavors of Quindim!


To make a mouthwatering quindim, you will need the following ingredients:

Egg yolks

Egg yolks are the star of the show in quindim. They provide a creamy and rich consistency to the dessert. Make sure to use fresh eggs for the best flavor.

Granulated sugar

Granulated sugar adds sweetness to quindim and helps to achieve that beautiful golden color on the surface.

Sweetened condensed milk

Sweetened condensed milk acts as a natural sweetener and contributes to the creamy texture of quindim.

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Unsalted butter

Butter adds a luscious taste to the dessert and helps to bind all the ingredients together.

Shredded coconut

Shredded coconut gives quindim its signature tropical flavor and adds a delightful texture.

Vanilla extract

Vanilla extract imparts a warm and aromatic taste to the dessert, enhancing its overall flavor.


A pinch of salt balances the sweetness of the ingredients and adds depth to the taste of quindim.


Before we begin making quindim, let’s go through the preparation process:

Preheat the oven

Preheat your oven to a temperature of 350°F (175°C). This will ensure that the quindim bakes evenly and maintains its custard-like texture.

Prepare the baking dish

Grease a round baking dish with butter or cooking spray to prevent the quindim from sticking to the sides. This will make it easier to unmold the dessert later.

Mix the egg yolks and sugar

In a large bowl, gently whisk together the egg yolks and granulated sugar until well combined. The mixture should become smoother in texture.

Add condensed milk and butter

Next, incorporate the sweetened condensed milk and unsalted butter into the bowl, and continue whisking until the mixture is smooth and creamy.

Incorporate shredded coconut

Gradually add the shredded coconut to the mixture and gently fold it in. Make sure the coconut is evenly distributed throughout the mixture.

Add vanilla extract and salt

Pour in the vanilla extract and add a pinch of salt to enhance the flavors of the quindim. Mix everything together until well combined.

Strain the mixture

To ensure a smooth and luscious quindim, strain the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer. This will help eliminate any lumps or impurities.

Pour the mixture into the dish

Carefully pour the strained mixture into the prepared baking dish. Make sure to leave a little space at the top for the quindim to rise slightly during baking.

Bake in a water bath

Place the baking dish in a larger roasting pan or baking dish. Fill the larger dish halfway with hot water, creating a water bath. This will help the quindim cook evenly and prevent it from curdling.

Let it cool and refrigerate

Once baked, remove the quindim from the oven and let it cool in the water bath. Then, refrigerate the dessert for at least 3 hours or overnight to set and develop its flavors.


Now that your quindim is ready, let’s add some decorative touches:

Powdered sugar

Dust the top of the chilled quindim with a generous sprinkle of powdered sugar. Not only does this add a beautiful touch, but it also provides a touch of sweetness.

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Coconut flakes

Enhance the tropical flavors of quindim by sprinkling some toasted coconut flakes on top. The additional texture and flavor will take your dessert to the next level.

Fresh fruit slices

For an extra burst of freshness, garnish your quindim with slices of fresh fruit. Choose fruits like strawberries, mangoes, or passion fruit that complement the flavors of the dessert.

Whipped cream

Serve your quindim with a dollop of homemade whipped cream on the side. The light and airy cream will contrast beautifully with the rich and creamy quindim.

Serving Suggestions

Quindim can be enjoyed in various ways. Here are some serving suggestions:

Enjoy as a dessert

Quindim makes for a delightful dessert on its own. Serve it chilled, and savor the creamy, coconut-infused flavors. Its smooth and custard-like texture will keep you coming back for more.

Serve with coffee or tea

Pair your quindim with a cup of freshly brewed coffee or a soothing cup of tea. The sweetness and richness of the dessert complement the bitter notes of coffee and the aromatic qualities of tea.

Accompany with a scoop of ice cream

For a truly indulgent experience, serve your quindim with a scoop of your favorite ice cream. The contrast between the warm quindim and the cold ice cream creates a perfect harmony of flavors and temperatures.


Quindim can be customized with different flavors and ingredients. Here are some popular variations:

Chocolate quindim

Add a decadent twist by incorporating cocoa powder or melted chocolate into the quindim mixture. The result is a rich and indulgent chocolate quindim that chocolate lovers will adore.

Lemon quindim

To achieve a refreshing burst of citrus flavor, substitute lemon zest and juice for the vanilla extract in the recipe. The lemon quindim offers a tangy and vibrant twist to the classic dessert.

Orange quindim

Similar to the lemon variation, orange zest and juice can be used to infuse the quindim with a zesty and fragrant orange flavor. This tropical twist adds a sunny and uplifting touch to the dessert.

Almond quindim

For those who prefer a nutty flavor, consider adding almond extract or finely ground almonds to the quindim mixture. The almond quindim offers a delightful combination of sweetness and nuttiness.


Here are some handy tips to ensure your quindim turns out perfect every time:

Use fresh eggs for the best flavor

Fresh eggs will provide a superior taste and texture to quindim. Avoid using eggs that are close to their expiration date to ensure the best results.

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Ensure all ingredients are at room temperature

To achieve a smooth and homogeneous mixture, make sure all the ingredients, especially the eggs and butter, are at room temperature before starting the recipe.

Strain the mixture to remove any lumps

Passing the quindim mixture through a fine-mesh strainer helps remove any lumps or impurities, resulting in a silky smooth dessert.

Adjust the sweetness according to your preference

Feel free to adjust the amount of sugar used based on your personal taste preferences. Remember that quindim is traditionally a sweet dessert, but you can tweak it to your liking.

Add extra shredded coconut for texture

If you love the taste and texture of coconut, consider adding more shredded coconut to the quindim mixture. This will give each bite an extra burst of coconut goodness.

Do not over-bake to maintain the custard-like texture

To preserve the custard-like texture of quindim, avoid over-baking. The dessert should be slightly jiggly in the center when it is removed from the oven.

History of Quindim

Quindim is a traditional Brazilian dessert that originated in the northeastern state of Bahia. It is heavily influenced by Portuguese cuisine, which was brought to Brazil during the colonial era. Quindim is believed to have been created by African slaves using the limited ingredients they had access to, such as eggs and coconut.

Quindim is often associated with celebrations and special occasions in Brazilian culture. It has become an iconic dessert that represents the rich culinary diversity of the country.

Quindim in Brazilian Cuisine

Quindim holds a special place in Brazilian cuisine. It is a beloved dessert that can be found in both traditional and modern Brazilian culinary repertoires. Quindim is not only enjoyed in restaurants but also commonly made in homes throughout the country.

This delectable treat is often served during festivities and celebrations, such as birthdays, weddings, and holidays. Its bright yellow color and luscious texture make it a visual delight that always brings joy to the table.

Quindim in Other Cultures

While quindim is distinctly Brazilian, it shares similarities with other desserts found in various cuisines around the world. Egg custards, in different forms and flavors, are a common treat in many cultures.

In Portuguese cuisine, quindim’s ancestral influence, a similar dessert called “pudim de gemas” is enjoyed. It is made with egg yolks, sugar, and caramelized sugar syrup.

In Japanese cuisine, dishes like “chawanmushi” and “tamago pudding” are savory and sweet egg custards, respectively. These delicacies are often enjoyed as appetizers or desserts.

In the Philippines, a dessert called “leche flan” is made with egg yolks, condensed milk, and caramelized sugar. It is a popular dessert during festive occasions and gatherings.


Quindim is undoubtedly a delicious Brazilian dessert that captivates the taste buds with its sweet and tropical flavors. With simple ingredients and easy preparation, anyone can create this delightful custard-like dessert in their own kitchen.

Savor quindim as a standalone dessert, pair it with your favorite hot beverage, or elevate the experience with accompaniments like whipped cream, fresh fruit slices, or a scoop of ice cream. The versatility of quindim allows you to explore different flavors and variations, such as chocolate, lemon, orange, and almond.

So why not embark on a culinary adventure and try your hand at making quindim? Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply craving something sweet, quindim will never disappoint. Get ready to indulge in the flavors of Brazil and discover the joy of quindim!