Delicious Coxinha Recipe with Traditional Brazilian Ingredients

Imagine yourself biting into a crispy, golden-brown shell, revealing a flavorful and creamy filling that tantalizes your taste buds. This is the joy of indulging in a traditional Brazilian coxinha, a delicious snack that brings together the vibrant flavors of Brazil. In this article, you will discover a mouthwatering coxinha recipe infused with authentic Brazilian ingredients. From the savory shredded chicken to the velvety cream cheese, each element harmonizes perfectly to create a culinary masterpiece. So, grab your apron and get ready to embark on a culinary adventure that will transport you to the colorful streets of Brazil.

Introduction to Coxinha

Coxinha is a popular Brazilian snack, known for its delicious taste and unique teardrop or drumstick shape. This savory treat is bursting with flavor, thanks to its traditional ingredients and preparation methods. Whether you’re craving a snack for a party or simply looking to indulge in some authentic Brazilian cuisine, Coxinha is sure to satisfy your taste buds.

Definition of Coxinha

Coxinha is a deep-fried snack that originated in Brazil. The word “coxinha” actually translates to “little thigh” in Portuguese, which is a fitting name considering its shape resembles a chicken thigh. This delightful treat consists of a soft, doughy exterior filled with a savory chicken and onion mixture. The combination of textures and flavors makes Coxinha a true culinary delight.

Origin of Coxinha

Coxinha has deep roots in Brazilian culinary history and is said to have originated in the state of São Paulo in the late 19th century. It was invented by a chef named Isaias Baptista, who was inspired by a famous snack called “frango de pau,” or chicken on a stick. Isaias Baptista wanted to create a portable version of the dish, and thus Coxinha was born. Over the years, Coxinha has become a beloved snack throughout Brazil and is now enjoyed by people of all ages.

Traditional Brazilian Snack

Coxinha has long been a staple in Brazilian cuisine and is considered a traditional snack in the country. It is commonly found in Brazilian street food stalls, restaurants, and even in people’s homes. The combination of flavors and the unique shape of Coxinha make it a standout among other Brazilian snacks. Whether it’s served as an appetizer at parties or enjoyed as a quick snack, Coxinha holds a special place in the hearts and stomachs of Brazilians.

Ingredients for Coxinha

To make coxinha, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Chicken: Coxinha traditionally uses chicken as the main filling. It is typically cooked and shredded before being mixed with other ingredients.
  • Onion: An onion is sautéed and mixed with the chicken to enhance the flavor of the filling.
  • Garlic: Garlic adds a savory kick to the chicken filling and complements the other ingredients.
  • Chicken broth: Chicken broth is used to cook the chicken and add moisture to the filling.
  • All-purpose flour: All-purpose flour is used to make the dough for the outer layer of Coxinha.
  • Milk: Milk is used to mix with the flour and create a soft and pliable dough.
  • Butter: Butter is added to the dough to provide richness and enhance the flavor.
  • Vegetable oil: Vegetable oil is used for frying the Coxinha, giving it a crispy texture.
  • Salt: Salt is added to enhance the overall flavor of the Coxinha.
  • Black pepper: Black pepper adds a hint of spiciness to the filling, balancing out the flavors.
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These ingredients come together to create the perfect combination of flavors and textures that make Coxinha a truly delicious snack.

Preparing the Chicken Filling

The chicken filling is the heart and soul of a Coxinha, and preparing it properly is essential to achieving that mouthwatering taste. Here’s how you can prepare the chicken filling for your Coxinhas:

Cooking the chicken

Start by cooking the chicken until it is tender and fully cooked. This can be done by boiling the chicken in a pot of water or, for added flavor, using chicken broth. Once the chicken is cooked, remove it from the pot and allow it to cool before shredding it into small, bite-sized pieces.

Shredding the cooked chicken

Using two forks, shred the cooked chicken into small, bite-sized pieces. Pulling the meat apart will give it a nicely shredded texture that will blend well with the other ingredients.

Sautéing the onion and garlic

In a separate pan, sauté the finely chopped onion and minced garlic in a little bit of vegetable oil until they are translucent and fragrant. This step helps to enhance their flavors and adds a savory element to the filling.

Mixing the chicken with sautéed mixture

Combine the shredded chicken with the sautéed onion and garlic mixture. Mix them together well, ensuring that the flavors are evenly distributed throughout the filling.

Seasoning with salt and black pepper

Lastly, season the chicken filling with salt and black pepper to taste. The seasoning helps to bring out the flavors of the chicken and the other ingredients, creating a well-rounded and tasty filling.

By following these steps, you can create a delicious and flavorful chicken filling that will be the star of your Coxinhas.

Making the Dough

The dough of the Coxinha is what holds the flavorful filling together and gives it its unique shape. Making the dough requires a few simple steps:

Boiling chicken broth

Start by heating chicken broth in a saucepan until it reaches a boil. This will serve as the liquid base for the dough and add extra flavor to the Coxinha.

Adding flour and stirring

Once the chicken broth is boiling, gradually add all-purpose flour to the saucepan while stirring continuously. This step ensures that the flour is evenly incorporated into the liquid, preventing any lumps from forming.

Cooking until dough forms

Continue stirring the mixture over medium heat until a dough-like consistency forms. This usually takes a few minutes, as the mixture thickens and comes together to form a ball.

Removing from heat

As soon as the dough forms, remove the saucepan from the heat. This prevents the dough from overcooking and becoming dry.

Kneading the dough

Transfer the cooked dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead it gently until it becomes smooth and pliable. Kneading helps to develop the gluten in the dough, giving it elasticity and a nice texture.

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By following these steps, you will have a soft and malleable dough that is ready to be shaped and filled.

Shaping and Filling the Coxinhas

Shaping and filling the Coxinhas is where the fun begins. The unique teardrop or drumstick shape of Coxinha adds to its appeal, and the filling is what makes each bite bursting with flavor. Here’s how you can shape and fill your Coxinhas:

Taking a small portion of dough

Start by taking a small portion of the dough, about the size of a golf ball. This will be used to encase the filling.

Flattening the dough into a disc

With the palm of your hand, flatten the dough portion into a disc shape. This will serve as the base for the filling.

Adding chicken filling in the center

Place a spoonful of the chicken filling in the center of the flattened dough disc. Be careful not to overfill, as it may cause the Coxinha to burst during frying.

Enclosing the filling by folding the dough

Fold the edges of the dough disc over the filling, enclosing it completely. Use your fingers to seal the edges, forming a teardrop or drumstick shape. Ensure that there are no openings for the filling to leak out during frying.

Shaping into a teardrop or drumstick shape

Once the filling is enclosed, gently shape the Coxinha into its signature teardrop or drumstick shape. Press and shape the dough slightly to give it a more defined appearance. Repeat this process with the remaining dough and filling.

By following these steps, you will have perfectly shaped and filled Coxinhas, ready to be fried to crispy perfection.

Frying the Coxinhas

Frying the Coxinhas is the final step in achieving that beautiful golden brown and crispy exterior. Here’s how you can fry your Coxinhas to perfection:

Heating vegetable oil

In a deep skillet or pot, heat vegetable oil over medium heat until it reaches a temperature of around 350°F (175°C). This ensures that the Coxinhas cook evenly and develop a crispy texture.

Dipping coxinhas in beaten eggs

Before frying, dip each Coxinha in beaten eggs. This step adds an extra layer of flavor and helps the breadcrumbs adhere to the exterior.

Coating coxinhas with breadcrumbs

Roll the dipped Coxinhas in breadcrumbs, ensuring that they are evenly coated. The breadcrumbs add a crunchy texture to the Coxinhas and help to seal in the flavors.

Frying coxinhas until golden brown

Carefully place the coated Coxinhas in the hot oil, frying them until they turn a beautiful golden brown color. This usually takes around 5-7 minutes, depending on the size of the Coxinhas.

Draining excess oil on paper towels

Once the Coxinhas are fried, transfer them to a plate lined with paper towels to drain off any excess oil. This step helps to remove any unwanted greasiness and ensures that the Coxinhas are crispy and delicious.

By following these steps, you will have perfectly fried Coxinhas with a crispy exterior and a flavorful filling that will leave you craving for more.

Serving and Enjoying Coxinhas

Coxinhas are best enjoyed hot or warm, allowing you to experience the full flavors and textures of this Brazilian delight. Here are some suggestions on how to serve and enjoy your Coxinhas:

Serving hot or warm

For the best experience, serve your Coxinhas hot or warm. This allows the filling to be moist and flavorful, while the exterior remains crispy.

Accompanying with dipping sauces

Coxinhas can be enjoyed on their own, but they can also be served with various dipping sauces. Popular options include hot sauce, garlic sauce, or even a traditional Brazilian chimichurri sauce. These sauces add an extra layer of flavor and can be customized to your taste preferences.

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Garnishing with parsley

For a touch of freshness and visual appeal, garnish your Coxinhas with fresh parsley. Simply sprinkle some finely chopped parsley over the Coxinhas before serving. This adds a pop of color and enhances the overall presentation.

Enjoying the crispy and flavorful coxinhas

Now comes the best part – biting into a freshly fried Coxinha and savoring the crunchy exterior and flavorful filling. Enjoy the combination of textures and flavors as you indulge in this delightful Brazilian snack.

By following these serving suggestions, you can make your Coxinha experience even more enjoyable and memorable.

Variations and Alternatives

While the classic Coxinha recipe is undeniably delicious, there are several variations and alternatives that can add a unique twist to this traditional Brazilian snack. Here are some ideas to spice things up:

Creating different fillings (cheese, beef, etc.)

While chicken is the traditional filling for Coxinhas, you can experiment with different fillings to suit your preferences. Consider using cheese, beef, or even shrimp as alternative filling options. Each filling brings its own unique flavors to the Coxinha, allowing you to explore new taste combinations.

Baking instead of frying for a healthier option

If you’re looking for a healthier alternative to the traditional fried Coxinhas, consider baking them instead. Instead of frying, place the shaped Coxinhas on a baking sheet and bake them in a preheated oven until golden brown. This method significantly reduces the amount of oil used, resulting in a lighter and healthier snack.

Using different coatings (cornflakes, sesame seeds, etc.)

While breadcrumbs are the most commonly used coating for Coxinhas, you can get creative and try different coatings to add extra texture and flavor. Crushed cornflakes, sesame seeds, or even crushed nuts can be used as alternatives to breadcrumbs. This adds a unique twist to your Coxinhas, making them even more visually appealing and flavorful.

Exploring vegetarian or vegan alternatives

For those following a vegetarian or vegan diet, Coxinhas can still be enjoyed with a few modifications. Replace the chicken filling with a vegetarian protein source, such as tofu or textured vegetable protein. Additionally, use vegetable oil for frying and vegan-friendly ingredients for the dough. This allows you to enjoy the same flavors and textures of Coxinhas, while still adhering to your dietary preferences.

By exploring these variations and alternatives, you can personalize your Coxinha experience and discover new flavor combinations that suit your taste.

Cultural Significance of Coxinhas

Coxinhas hold a significant place in Brazilian culture, both as a popular street food and as a staple at celebrations and parties. Here’s why Coxinhas are deeply rooted in Brazilian culinary heritage:

Popular street food in Brazil

In Brazil, Coxinhas are a beloved street food snack that can be found in almost every corner of the country. Street vendors and food stalls are known for serving piping hot Coxinhas, enticing locals and tourists alike with their delicious aroma. It’s not uncommon to see long lines forming in front of these vendors, as people eagerly wait to snack on these delectable treats.

Served during celebrations and parties

Coxinhas are also a must-have item at celebrations and parties in Brazil. Whether it’s a birthday, a wedding, or a holiday gathering, Coxinhas are often included in the menu as an appetizer or snack. Their small, bite-sized nature makes them perfect for sharing and socializing, adding a festive touch to any occasion.

Representing Brazilian culinary heritage

Coxinhas are deeply ingrained in Brazilian culinary heritage and have become synonymous with the country’s cuisine. They are considered one of the iconic snacks that represent Brazilian culture and are often associated with Brazilian hospitality and warmth. Coxinhas showcase the creativity and flavors that Brazilian cuisine has to offer, making them an important part of the country’s food culture.

Enjoyed by people of all ages

One of the remarkable aspects of Coxinhas is their widespread appeal across different age groups. From children to adults, Coxinhas are enjoyed by people of all ages. The flavorful filling, the crispy exterior, and the fun shape make Coxinhas universally loved, creating a sense of nostalgia and comfort for many Brazilians.


In conclusion, Coxinhas are a delicious and versatile snack that holds a special place in Brazilian cuisine. The combination of the savory chicken filling, the soft and doughy exterior, and the crispy golden brown coating make Coxinhas an irresistible treat. Whether you’re enjoying them as a street food snack, serving them at a party, or simply indulging in some authentic Brazilian cuisine, Coxinhas are guaranteed to satisfy your taste buds. With variations and alternatives available, you can customize Coxinhas to suit your preferences and dietary needs. So go ahead, try making Coxinhas at home using traditional Brazilian ingredients, and treat yourself to a truly delectable experience.