Authentic Brazilian Pastel Recipe

Imagine yourself delightfully biting into a warm, crispy pastry filled with a savory blend of flavors. This is the sensation you can expect from indulging in an authentic Brazilian pastel. Originating in the streets of Brazil, these delightful pastries have become a beloved staple in Brazilian cuisine. With a flaky crust that encases a variety of mouthwatering fillings, the pastel is a true culinary delight. In this article, we will take you on a flavorful journey as we share the secrets to crafting your own authentic Brazilian pastel at home. Get ready for a taste sensation that will transport you to the bustling streets of Brazil with every delicious bite.

Authentic Brazilian Pastel Recipe

Ingredients for Authentic Brazilian Pastel Recipe

Ingredients for the dough

To make the dough for authentic Brazilian pastel, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 ½ cups All-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 2 tbsp Vegetable oil
  • 1 cup Cold water

Ingredients for the filling

For the filling, you have a variety of options to choose from. Some popular fillings for authentic Brazilian pastel include:

  • Ground beef
  • Cheese
  • Chicken
  • Shrimp
  • Hearts of palm
  • Ham and cheese
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Feel free to experiment with different fillings to find your favorite combination.

Preparing the Dough for Authentic Brazilian Pastel

Preparing the dough mixture

To prepare the dough mixture, start by combining the all-purpose flour and salt in a mixing bowl. Mix them together until well combined.

Kneading and resting the dough

Next, add the vegetable oil to the flour mixture and start kneading the dough. Gradually add the cold water while kneading until the dough becomes soft and smooth. Knead for about 10 minutes to develop the gluten.

Once the dough is ready, cover it with a clean kitchen towel and let it rest for at least 30 minutes. This resting period allows the gluten to relax and makes the dough easier to roll out later.

Rolling out the dough

After the resting period, divide the dough into small portions and roll each portion into a thin circle or rectangle. The thickness of the dough should be around 1/8 inch.

Preparing the Filling for Authentic Brazilian Pastel

Selecting the filling ingredients

Choose your desired filling ingredients and prepare them accordingly. For example, if you are using ground beef, cook it with onions, garlic, and other spices until browned and fully cooked. If you’re using cheese, simply grate it or cut it into small pieces.

Cooking the filling mixture

Cook the filling ingredients as per your chosen recipe or preference. Ensure that the filling is well-seasoned and flavorful. Allow the cooked filling mixture to cool completely before assembling the pastels.

Assembling and Cooking the Authentic Brazilian Pastel

Cutting the dough into circles

Using a round cookie cutter or a glass, cut the rolled-out dough into circles. The size of the circles can vary depending on your preference, but typically, a diameter of 4-6 inches works well.

Filling and sealing the pastel

Place a spoonful of the prepared filling in the center of each dough circle. Fold the dough in half, enclosing the filling, and press the edges together to seal. You can use the back of a fork to create a decorative pattern on the sealed edges.

Frying the pastel

In a deep pan or fryer, heat vegetable oil to a temperature of around 350°F (175°C). Carefully place the filled pastels into the hot oil and fry them until they turn golden brown and crispy. Make sure to fry the pastels in small batches to ensure they cook evenly.

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Once cooked, remove the pastels from the oil and place them on a paper towel-lined plate to drain excess oil.

Authentic Brazilian Pastel Recipe

Variations and Serving Suggestions for Authentic Brazilian Pastel

Variations in fillings

One of the best things about authentic Brazilian pastel is the versatility of fillings. Apart from the traditional options mentioned earlier, you can get creative and experiment with various ingredients. Some delicious variations include:

  • Spinach and cheese
  • Bacon and onion
  • Tomato and mozzarella
  • Mushroom and cream cheese
  • Nutella and banana (for a sweet version)

Feel free to mix and match fillings to create your own unique pastel combinations.

Serving suggestions and accompaniments

Authentic Brazilian pastel is often enjoyed with a side of vinaigrette sauce, a refreshing condiment made with tomatoes, onions, vinegar, and olive oil. You can also serve it with a squeeze of lime juice or hot sauce for an extra kick. Brazilians often pair pastel with a cold beer or a refreshing Guarana soda.

Tips for Perfecting the Authentic Brazilian Pastel

Ensure the dough is properly rested

Properly resting the dough is essential to achieve the right texture for your pastels. The resting period allows the gluten to relax, resulting in a more elastic and pliable dough. Make sure to cover the dough and let it rest for at least 30 minutes before rolling it out.

Maintain the right frying temperature

Maintaining the right frying temperature is crucial for a crispy and evenly cooked pastel. If the oil is too hot, the pastel may burn quickly on the outside while remaining uncooked inside. If the oil is not hot enough, the pastel may absorb excess oil and become greasy. Aim for a temperature of around 350°F (175°C) for the perfect golden brown pastel.

Experiment with different fillings

Don’t be afraid to get creative with your fillings. Feel free to mix and match flavors and ingredients to create unique and delicious combinations. You can even try incorporating traditional Brazilian ingredients or spices to give your pastel an authentic taste.

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Common Mistakes to Avoid When Making Authentic Brazilian Pastel

Using insufficient filling

One common mistake is not using enough filling in each pastel. A pastel with insufficient filling may result in a bland and unsatisfying bite. Make sure to generously fill each pastel to ensure a flavorful experience.

Overfilling the pastel

On the other hand, overfilling the pastel can lead to the filling leaking out during frying, making a mess and potentially causing the pastel to burst. Be mindful of the amount of filling you use and avoid overstuffing.

Leaving the pastel to rest for too long before frying

While it is important to let the dough rest to achieve the right texture, leaving the assembled pastels to rest for too long before frying can cause them to become soggy. Once the pastels are assembled, it is best to cook them as soon as possible to maintain their crispness.

History and Cultural Significance of Authentic Brazilian Pastel

Origins of pastel in Brazil

The origins of pastel in Brazil can be traced back to Portuguese immigrants who brought their love for fried pastries to the country. However, over time, the Brazilian pastel developed its own unique characteristics and flavors, incorporating ingredients and techniques from various regions of Brazil.

Role in Brazilian cuisine

Today, the authentic Brazilian pastel holds a special place in Brazilian cuisine. It is a popular street food snack enjoyed by people of all ages. You can often find pastel stands or food trucks in Brazilian cities, offering a wide variety of fillings to choose from. It has become a cultural icon and a beloved culinary tradition.

Traditional pastel variations

In different regions of Brazil, you may come across regional variations of the authentic pastel. For example, in the state of São Paulo, pastel de feira is a well-known variation that is typically filled with ground beef, cheese, or heart of palm. In Bahia, acarajé is a popular variation that combines fried dough with shrimp and a spicy sauce.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Authentic Brazilian Pastel

What is the best oil for frying pastel?

The best oil for frying pastel is one that has a high smoke point and a neutral flavor. Vegetable oil, canola oil, or sunflower oil are commonly used for frying pastels.

Can pastel be baked instead of fried?

Authentic Brazilian pastel is traditionally deep-fried to achieve the desired crispy texture. While you can try baking the pastel, it may result in a different texture and flavor. The deep-frying method is recommended to stay true to the authentic Brazilian pastel recipe.

How long does the pastel stay fresh?

Freshly fried pastels are best enjoyed immediately when they are still hot and crispy. However, if you have any leftovers, you can store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. To reheat, simply place them in the oven at a low temperature to maintain their crispness.


Authentic Brazilian pastel is a delightful and versatile snack that has become an integral part of Brazilian cuisine. With its crispy exterior and flavorful fillings, it offers a delightful culinary experience. Experiment with different fillings, and don’t forget to enjoy your pastel with some vinaigrette sauce or the accompaniment of your choice. Embrace the rich history and cultural significance of authentic Brazilian pastel as you savor each delicious bite.